Justin “Buzz” Henderson
1947 – 2018
Justin “Buzz” Henderson was the only child of Justin and Eleanore Henderson and the apple of their eye. Raised on a farm, Buzz grew up learning much about the natural world. He could easily recognize and identify numerous species of plants and trees.
Buzz attended the West Virginia University School of Engineering where he graduated with a degree in Aerospace Engineering. He went to work for General Electric Aviation as an aerospace engineer, supervising jet engine manufacture.
Buzz later continued his education, returning to West Virginia University School of Law to earn a Juris Doctor. He graduated top of his class and went on to practice tax law.
Aviation remained a special part of Buzz’s life. He loved flying and was an IR (Instrument Rules)-rated pilot. He was exceptionally skilled and regularly able to make mental calculations faster than fellow pilots relying on flight calculators. Buzz insisted that, along with developing speaking and writing skills, it was important to have strong mathematical skills. “Math,” he would say, “will propel you into a better future.”
Buzz was especially interested in people and events happening in the present rather than focusing on the past. He was gifted in being able to sense the needs of others and had a heartfelt desire to help. Buzz was dedicated to sowing seed and building God’s Kingdom through cheerful and bountiful giving of his resources, though he never sought recognition for his generosity. He was compassionate and if ever confronted with hatred, Buzz was known to advise, “don’t get even- just live well.”
Daily study of Scripture was an important part of Buzz’s life. He was knowledgeable of the Bible and applied the Word of God to his life. He was a faithful member of Jewel City Church, Meadowbrook, West Virginia.