We are excited to start 2024 with big goals and we hope you are too. As we grow into this new facility and programming together, it is our desire to keep members up to date with upcoming events, opportunities, and updates. You may occasionally receive email from the Buzz Henderson Center with this information, but feel free to check back here through your Join It account for the most recent updates.
We appreciate feedback from our members and would be happy to hear from you! You can email the Buzz Henderson Center right here in your Join It account. Additional contact information will be available in the near future. Now, Let’s get fit (physically and spiritually) together!
-A message from Michelle Frase, Program Director, Buzz Henderson Center
Fitness Plan-
Single Person
Cardio Room
Weight Room
Court Area Access*
*Court access available when
not in reserved for private events
Fitness Plan-
Two Household Members
Cardio Room
Weight Room
Court Area Access*
*Court access available when
not in reserved for private events
Fitness Plan-
2 Adults & Dependent Children
Cardio Room
Weight Room
Court Area Access*
not in reserved for private events.
**Household/dependent children only. Age Restrictions may apply for use of upper-level facilities including weight and cardio equipment.
Fitness Plan-
Single Person
Cardio Room
Weight Room
Court Area Access*
not in reserved for private events
**General membership for minors age 12-17 who do not have membership through a Family Membership Plan, A parent or legal guardian must agree to the liability waiver and payment. Membership includes access to the fitness areas (age limit restriction still apply) and court areas when not otherwise reserved for private parties. The Buzz Henderson Center is not a childcare facility, and the minor must assume responsibility for their own wellbeing while at the Buzz Henderson Center. Youth under age 12 must be accompanied by a parent, legal guardian, or designee while at the Buzz Henderson Center.
Fitness Plan-
Single Person
Cardio Room
Weight Room
Court Area Access*
*Court access available when
not in reserved for private events
Fitness Plan-
Two Household Members
Cardio Room
Weight Room
Court Area Access*
*Court access available when
not in reserved for private events
Fitness Plan-
2 Adults & Dependent Children
Cardio Room
Weight Room
Court Area Access*
not in reserved for private events
**Age Restrictions may apply for use of upper-level facilities including weight and cardio equipment.