An Outreach of Jewel City Church, the afterschool program is planned to operate within the Buzz Henderson Center. Currently in the development phase, our goal is to launch the Buzz Henderson Academy in conjunction with the 2024-2025 academic year.  

The vision for the Buzz Learning Academy was born when the needs of several local children became known during an annual vacation Bible school outreach.  The Buzz Learning Academy will be much more than a childcare program. Children attending kindergarten through 8th grade will be able to enroll in the Academy which will operate during the hours immediately following the standard school day. A complete meal will be provided in addition to a curriculum that promotes faith-based character development, patriotism, STEM programs, sports and homework assistance.

Basic funding for the Buzz Learning Academy will come from tuition, funds generated through membership and events at the Buzz Henderson Center. 

Check back for more information as this exciting program develops.